Sunday, August 25, 2013

"Wargames of 1939" is released

I've uploaded the final version of "Wargames of 1939", the World War 2 counterpart of Populus Romanus to Google Play at last. By the time I publish this post, the game should already be downloadable from there. Amazon Appstore will follow in nearby days as soon as the Amazon review process has approved the app.

To open Google Play to download the full version, click here.

To open Google Play to download the free trial version, click here.

If you like these kind of games, please rate "Wargames of 1939" on Google Play and/or share the app on Facebook and Twitter! Those things will help to get the game noticed and enable me to keep on creating more strategy games.

(Own blog for that game is at, from now on I'll try to post updates and such mainly to that page.)